Friday, April 30, 2010

Tip: Gimme 5

Because so many places do not accept No. 5 plastics for recycling, Whole Foods and Preserve implemented a program called Gimme 5. Many of the stores around the country now have drop-off bins where you can take these difficult items.

Once your used packaging is gone, Preserve turns them into household products, such as toothbrushes and razors, sold at a stores near you! How cool is that?

It's great to have a place working for a program like this. And it benefits Whole Foods too by getting us in the stores. I know anytime I've been to Whole Foods, Earth Fare and Trader Joe's, I always get distracted and end up buying more than I intend. I love that these stores promote organic foods and eco-friendly products, but as someone on a limited budget, I hate the higher prices that come with them.

If you can resist making extra purchases (or even if you can't), it's great to be able to find a local drop-off point.

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